Formation - Cross-functional Management

À partir de 1680 €
Durée 2 jours (14 heures)
Localisation Partout en France
Logo de CEGOS - Formation - Cross-functional Management

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  • None.

Public admis

  • Salarié en Poste
  • Entreprise

Demandeur d'emploi et Etudiant non admis


  • Votre OPCO
  • Financement personnel

Financement CPF non pris en charge


  • En centre
  • En entreprise
  • À distance

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • Position yourself in the cross-functional management role and define your intervention strategy.
  • Develop influence without hierarchical authority.
  • Ensure cross-functional coordination.
  • Develop cooperative behaviors with stakeholders and their superiors.

Programme de la formation

Two e-learning modules of 30 minutes each

Give positive and constructive feedback

  • Learn about the positive feedback method.
  • See an example of positive feedback.
  • Practice giving feedback.

Communicate effectively with a remote team

  • Manage team members' activities.
  • Use the right tools for remote management.
  • Manage the team’s performance remotely.

Two days of classroom training or distance learning

1 - The strategist

  • Understand the needs met by cross-functional management.
  • Situate your role as a cross-functional manager among other management methods.
  • Position yourself in your role as a cross-functional manager.
  • Identify your added value as a cross-functional manager.
  • Implement a strategy for approaching stakeholders.

2 - The leader

  • Understand the frames of reference of your stakeholders.
  • Influence people with different frames of reference.
  • Act and influence without formal authority.

3 - The manager

  • Identify the different coordination mechanisms within an organization.
  • Coordination mechanisms of cross-functional managers.
  • Use appropriate coordination tools.

4 - The communicator

  • Foster cross-functional cooperation.
  • Contractualize relationships and maintain commitments with non-hierarchical stakeholders.
  • Manage resistance from stakeholders.

Three e-learning modules of 30 minutes each

Three levers for building winning cooperation

  • Adopt a cooperative attitude.
  • Use collaborative methods.
  • Remove the main obstacles to cooperation.

Gain the support of your stakeholders

  • Adapt your influence tactics.
  • Evaluate the degree of support of your stakeholders.
  • Use the partners’ map to convince.

Lead the negotiation process - Level 1

  • Negotiate in a win-win relationship.
  • Practice negotiation skills.
  • Anchor reflexes to improve.
Logo de CEGOS - Formation Formation - Cross-functional Management

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"Leader international de la formation professionnelle et continue"

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À partir de 1680 €
Logo de CEGOS - Formation - Cross-functional Management

Formation - Cross-functional Management

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